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The Book

From Nightlife to Eternal Life

Bitt Thrower was a man’s man in every sense of the word. At six three, three hundred pounds, he could smash home runs with ease and bash in heads as he pleased. So how did this man go from a traditional Christian upbringing to a years-long detour into the world of nightclubs, drug dealers, celebrities, undercover government intrigue, and crime?


In From Nightlife to Eternal Life, author and biographer Jim Henninger introduces you to the real-life character of Bitt Thrower, a man who never stopped believing in God but who tried his best to ignore him. Yet after trying to turn his life around time after time but always failing, Bitt would finally find his way back to his Savior in the bleakest of environments—a federal prison.


Bitt’s story illustrates that no one is ever too far away from a loving Lord to return to his waiting arms. Although Bitt would seemingly lose everything he had battled to secure his whole life, he would in the end find what truly mattered—a relationship with God and the salvation and redemption that only Christ could provide.